Some dogs develop separation issues, some seem to be born with them.

Separation distress is one of the most common behavioural issues that pet families struggle with.

With Covid-19 shutdowns, we have spent more time at home with our dogs than ever before (can you imagine going through Covid without them?!). For some, this was a great bonding experience, but for others it worsened their existing separation issues or created new difficulties.

Regardless of whether the problem is new or chronic, you need a detailed plan.

To help with your Velcro dog, we provide a supportive, comprehensive program.

A Room Of One's Own:
Separation Issues

In person or live on-line coaching
4 session package of 1:1 coaching includes

  • one intake/consult session, usually via Zoom or FaceTime
  • three 60 minute coaching sessions with Q & A
  • four email exchanges or telephone/zoom consult calls (15 minutes)

$375 + HST

Seeing your dog grow in confidence and calmness is wonderful!


A Room of One's Own will

  • identify your dog's separation issues
  • provide the most effective treatment protocol for your dog's particular problem
  • establish a new routine to slowly build your dog's 'stay-at-home-alone' muscle
  • give you ongoing coaching and support, especially when you hit the inevitable separation-issue road bumps
  • celebrate your return to normal life when your dog becomes more autonomous!


Q & A

How do I know what my dog's separation issue might be?

Anxiety, insecure attachment, boredom, and frustration (or a mix of these factors) all require different approaches. An in-depth consultation with a professional — including a review of video of your dog when they're left alone — is the best way to understand what's going on with your dog.

Could bringing home a second dog help?

You may have heard stories that suggest getting a second dog solves separation distress.

However, current data indicates a second dog usually does not help.

Hogan does not mind being home alone. He tolerates wearing sunglasses less well!

Will my dog need drugs for separation anxiety?

Natural supplements or medications can boost the efficacy of behaviour modification plans. Talk to your vet, or better yet, a veterinary behaviorist. 

Are there any devices that might help?

There is new technology on the market that may provide speedier progress, but so far there are no double-blind, controlled studies that demonstrate their efficacy. Stay tuned!

Mason’s approach to training made it fun for both Opie and I. She is so informed, aware and connected to the animal. Mason’s sessions empowered me to work on my own with my highly sensitive dog. 

- Joy, caretaker & companion to Opie